Field Trip - convenient and useful application for android platform game from the creator of Pokemon Go Niantic, Inc, The application is designed for travelers and will be very useful for those who find themselves in an unfamiliar city and do not know where to go. By the way, the application was the basis of the said games
MAPS.ME - free application full version, containing detailed maps of 345 countries, and works everywhere without internet connection. On the cards is not only a city, but also villages and towns with dirt roads, as well as restaurants and restaurants, gas stations and attractions
Wiot lite - an application for the Android platform, which is at any time to provide information about your location or your loved ones. With the help of satellite monitoring, the application captures the current GPS position and then sends to the server move
Nokia HERE - good service for car navigation for Android prepared by Nokia. In some respects superior to similar service from Google, though inferior to other popular browser. But this avtonavigatsionnoe app has a great advantage - it offers free coating on the cards all over the world
BlizzCon 2013 Guide - A remarkable application for Android, with which You will always know that which occurs on BlizzCon, not miss anything interesting. Stay always in know what is happening and keep your hand on pulse.
Disney Mobile Magic - a special application for Android to stay in a stunning and fabulous world of Disney. Once you incredible helper and guide that can help you enjoy all and not to miss anything in a beautiful park of Disney.
Google Maps - a great opportunity to download the latest version of Google Maps for Androd and have to forget about the heavy and awkward paper maps.
Locus Map Free - great programm on Android for those who want to focus on different areas and not get lost in the mountains, the woods or in the city. It is not a problem when you have at hand is this wonderful program. The right combination of maps and GPS - Navigation will not leave you without the help of the new place and help find a solution to any terrain.
Sygic: GPS Navigation - excellent, functional, professional application for the exact car navigation. Sygic - professional application for GPS - Navigate with accompanying voice. In the present Sygic maps TomTom, as well as a robust set of navigation features.
OSMTracker for Android - a great app to help you can track your route and make a mark on it.